10. December 2020

Governing Digitality

  European School of Governance, position paper #201210 by Louis Klein   Governance needs IT and IT needs governance. If we find favourable solutions […]
18. November 2020

The Square, the Tower, and the Circle

– The Blind Spot in the Stewardship of Locally Led Systems Change Networks European School of Governance, position paper #201118  by Pedro Portela and […]
17. November 2020

Values: Our Hidden Governors

European School of Governance, position paper #201117  by Dr. Claudio Weiss The other day while driving the car, the radio suddenly played the old […]
25. February 2020

Oneness – the Holy Grail for governing the Anthropocene?

European School of Governance, position paper #200225-2  by Dr. Björn Pospiech On the search for another aspect, another idea and concept that should be […]
25. February 2020

Engaging digital transformation: Doing nothing is not an option

European School of Governance, position paper #200225-1  by Prof. Dr. Michael von Kutzschenbach. Over the past few decades, rapid technological development has resulted in […]
4. November 2019

The three crises of humankind – The Planet’s Choir

  European School of Governance, position paper #191104  by Julia Hayden. Climate change is not the crisis, it’s a symptom. The three crises of […]
30. August 2019

Not Renouncement – but Rediscovering our Body

– The capability of being in resonance as a starting point for change European School of Governance, position paper #190830 by Doris Bergmann “Our […]
31. May 2019

Critical Spirituality – Collective Development

  European School of Governance, position paper #190531  by Julia Hayden and Louis Klein. Here we are, in the age of the Anthropocene. Here […]
21. May 2019

Four ways of knowing

  European School of Governance, position paper # 190521  by Raghav Rajagopalan.   Reminiscing As a child, I grew up in a large community […]
16. May 2019

Anthropocene Arts – beyond Higgs

  European School of Governance, position paper # 190516  by Bernhard Vierling To this day, the impact of humankind on Earth has been influenced […]
22. September 2018

Venturing Anthropocene Thinking

European School of Governance, position paper # 180922  by Louis Klein. If governing the Anthropocene is the challenge, Anthropocene thinking is the condition for […]
16. June 2018

Cultural medicine balances Big Data by connecting humanities, arts, visual technologies, ancient wisdom, and science

European School of Governance, position paper # 180616-3 by Jochen Büchel. In this era of Big Data, there is an increasing demand for technologies […]
16. June 2018

Governing the serious games of society

European School of Governance, position paper # 180616-2  by Louis Klein. We are inescapably thrown into a world of games. Civilisation is a matter […]
16. June 2018

Towards an ecumenism of medicine

European School of Governance, position paper # 180616-1 by Daniel Dick and Hartmut Schröder. “Medicine is constituted by the task of helping sick people. […]
28. May 2018

Realising European Values

European School of Governance, position paper # 180528  by Louis Klein. Three European values there are, not more not less: individual freedom, societal solidarity […]
2. May 2018

Systemic Change

European School of Governance, position paper # 180502  by Louis Klein. Successful change is systemic change. It had always been systemic change, or it […]
12. April 2018

The answer of our body to the questions of the world

European School of Governance, position paper # 180412-2  by Julia Hayden. Our world is sick. Our Mother Earth, who we assume to nourish, cure […]
12. April 2018

Learning Democracy

“Many forms of government have been tried and will be tried in this world of sin and woe. No one pretends that democracy is […]