21. March 2018

European New School Thinking 2019

European School of Governance, position paper # 180321  by Louis Klein. “The thinking that brought us here, won’t bring us there”, Albert Einstein once […]
8. November 2017

Cataluña through a systems lens

European School of Governance, position paper # 171108 by Thomas Lehr. There is a widespread consensus in Europe with respect to Cataluña’s autonomy claim: […]
7. November 2017

Tapping into hypervalue
– Innovating economic policy

European School of Governance, position paper # 171107 by Louis Klein. It is an axiom of economic thinking that if we work smart we […]
4. October 2017

It’s the ocean, stupid!
– Why Ocean Health is key.

European School of Governance, position paper # 171004 by Stephanie Plön and Louis Klein. Governing the Anthropocene is a question of stewardship, both of […]
30. June 2017

European Gründerzeit: When, if not now?

European School of Governance, position paper # 170630 by Louis Klein Within half a year, between autumn 2016 and spring 2017, the vision of […]