Dr. Claudio Weiss, Dipl.-Psych.
is a leadership consultant, online-tool developer for measuring values and motivation, career counselor, coaching trainer and author, driven by a life long passion for exploring the laws of human nature and applying them to the enhancement of human life, individually and collectively, locally and globally. His recent book (2018), “Lebensqualität schaffen”, covers his reseach over the past two decades.
He started his firm “Dr. Claudio Weiss, awareness management” in 1985, since then closely collaborating with Egger, Philips + Partner AG in Zurich, the only non-academic European negotiation company licensed by Harvard, co-developing and training a European version of the “Getting-to- Yes-approach” in win-win negotiation. Since 2016 he teaches leadership at the Management Centrum Schloss Lautrach.