TEAM Page 2


Team EUSG Page 2

Dr. Michael von Kutzschenbach



Michael von Kutzschenbach (PhD) is a practitioner and an academic in the field of sustainable businesses. He is an acknowledged expert in sustainability, feedback systems thinking, and organization development and provides seminars and corporate training internationally.

He is the founder of mvk – Kutzschenbach Institute for Sustainability Studies and a member of the “Deutsche Gesellschaft für System Dynamics e.V.” He has published widely on the complex challenge of managing sustainability and feedback systems thinking.

Since 2011, he is working as a senior researcher at the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland at the Institute for Information Systems. His research focuses on the application of feedback systems approaches for working with complex socio-technical problems in an increasingly digital world.

Dr. Antje Göttert



Dr. Antje Göttert is a dermatologist and naturopath. She has been working in her own doctor’s office in Wiesbaden since 1998. After studying medicine and the specialization training as a dermatologist, Antje devoted herself primarily to holistic aspects of medicine. She has additional training in psychotherapy according to Viktor Frankl, in allergology, naturopathy and homeopathy. For Antje, a holistic medical system unites the view on the different levels of human existence, nature as an important source of healing and the proven of modern medicine. In her decades of practical experience, she focuses on the human's uniqueness, complexity and self-efficacy. Her approach enables the patient to act on his own responsibility. Antje is currently writing her first book on the activation and support of self- healingpowers.

Dr. Jochen Büchel



Dr. Jochen Büchel is knowledge manager and trendscout of telemedicine introducing holistic and esthetically personalized methods for life sciences and health care. He rediscovered innovative image-diagrammes and microcosmic concepts. He holds a PhD in Biochemistry and wrotea book about “Psychology of Matter“, catalyzing the future of systems science and personalized medicine. He has a broad leading experience as for example biodetection project management at Bavarian Research Alliance and DesignThinking Workshops at Medical Valley Erlangen and at Karolinska Institute. Along his interests are synergetics based telemedical monitoring methods. Furthermore, he supports as Scientific Advisor the Synerfest Festival for arts in Spain.

Dr. Björn Pospiech



is a former economic computer scientist and has several years of work experience as project manager in both the private and public sectors. Since 2007 he owns a martial arts school for traditional Taekwon-Do and started to educate students of all ages. In that time he changed his profession, received his doctoral degree in medical psychology from Heidelberg University and became passionate with promoting health in psychological, physical and systemic dimensions. Due to his work as master of martial arts he began to deal with the positive aspects of martial arts and how they can be used to support people building a self-determined and confident life. The result is DOPDA, a holistic concept that combines modern sciences with ancient Asian movements to strengthen participants mentally and physically.

Dr. Joana Bértholo



is a researcher, novelist and play-writer. She first attended the Fine-Arts Faculty in Portugal, with a focus on Communication Design, and later a PhD in Cultural Studies in Germany. Art processes are her preferred mode of research, using writing as a platform to investigate on a wide scope of interests, such as language, technology, ecology, sustainability and the behavioral aspects of groups and communities. She helped build the Social Design Site, an online platform that gathered art ventures with a social purpose fromall around the world under the motto “you cannot not change the world” and helped to edit the footage of “The Table of Free Voices”, the largest circular gathering of thinkers and visionaries ever interviewed.

Dr. Ernst von Kimakowitz



is Director of the Humanistic Management Center, an independent think tank, learning institution and advisory firm focused businessethics and sustainability and of the executive education provider Ethics First. He is a lecturer at the Universities of St.Gallen and Tübingen, holds several board member and reviewer positions and was the 2016 visiting professor at Soka University's Business Department in Tokyo, Japan. Ernst researches, teaches and advises on strengthening the positive impact of business towards a more equitable and sustainable planet.

Grzegorz Szalajko MA MSc



is an internationally recognized expert in project management, specializing in developing sustainable project excellence culture in organizations.  He is an independent strategic advisor, supporting managers in building strategies and environments for successful projects, effective changes and continuous improvement of management methods. He brings his experience and passion to global corporations and local market leaders in such sectors as IT, telecommunication, BPO, R&D, banking, finance, mining, energy and industrial enterprises.

Leading Editor of the IPMA Project Excellence Baseline global standard and one of the most experienced assessors the IPMA Global Project Excellence Award. Winner of the IPMA Otto Zieglmeier Award for outstanding contribution to project excellence. Member of the PMI Risk Management Standard Core Team and contributor to other PMI standards.

Mads Pankow



publishes the journal for contemporary culture „Die Epilog“. He works as political advisor for different ministries on state and federal level, holds lectures for the Digital Society worldwide and is, radio-wise, known as “technical philosopher” and “public intellectual” as it comes to Digitalization (Bayern2 / Zündfunk). Once a year he hosts the „Digital Bauhaus“, a boutique conference at the junction of technology, design and society. He studied media, cultural and organisational studies in Marburg, Malmö and Weimar. His research focuses on the philosophy and sociology of technology.

Markus Sauerhammer



studied Marketing and Management and holds an MBA in Entrepreneurship and Innovation. He is inspired by the challenges and chances our everyday changing system offers to all of us. His passionate way of engagement led him through diverse stages. As former farmer and founder of his own Startup, he became Consultant in the Chamber of Industry and Commerce in Munich and Head of Cooperation at Startnext, the biggest crowdfunding platform in the German-speaking area. With his profound inside knowledge, he is part of thought-leaders, who challenge politics as coordinator of social entrepreneurship for the German Startups Association (BVDS) and as chairman at the German Social Entrepreneurship Network (SEND).

Dr. Violetta Pleshakova



Dr. Violetta Pleshakova is a transformational trainer, ICF certified coach, and inspirational speaker. Her academic background features a degree in Public Administration and Political Science from Moscow State M.V. Lomonosov University (Russia) and a Master of Public Policy degree from Willy Brandt School of Public Policy (Germany). Violetta obtained her PhD from the European University of Viadrina in 2015. Her research explored emerging trends in cross-cultural complex project management through reflecting on the antenarratives of collaboration in the frame of a project. Based in Berlin, Violetta works internationally to support individuals and groups on their journey of personal development, empowerment, and growth. Her current research interests include exploring teal organizations and evolutionary leadership.

Dr. Fahri Akdemir



Dr. Fahri Akdemir as a Human Developer. He works on developing people through training and consultancy services that he provides. He is the project coordinator and co-founder of International Project Management Association (IPMA) Coaching for Development charity service. Additionally he is an assessor in IPMA Project Excellence Awards. His professional and academic work is dedicated to his main curiosity: behavioural competencies of the human in the project environment. He holds a BSc in Systems Engineering, MSc in Strategic Project Management and Ph.D. degree in Cross-Cultural Complex Project Management focusing on leading creative/complex personalities in projects. He has designed and facilitated workshops in 16 different countries. He is a member of German Project Management Association (GPM), honorary member of Project Management Association of Nepal (PMAN), an active member of IPMA.

Julia Hayden


Communications Manager

Julia Hayden is an author, blogger and communication expert. Her integral way of discovering people communication needs is based on Special Education, Rolfing®, Neurointegrative Therapy, Communication Training, Kinesiology, Spiral Dynamics and Integral Coaching. She passionately facilitates people in connecting with each other and their whole environment. Her focus is on experiencing interpersonal relationships, differential communication habits and sincere interplay.

Her interest as an author and blogger applies to the Human Being as well as to Life and the Planet Earth itself. Her passion for anything concerning the well-being of the community that surrounds her is clearly noticeable by anyone. As a coach she mindfully supports and accompanies clients on their individual way of relating to the World, not only in communications.