Our study mission



How can we empower people? The answer is always the same: education

- Franzisak Giffey, district mayor of Neukölln, Berlin



Strengthening conceptual thinking

The EUSG masterclasses are realising a role model for contemporary experience-based, lifelong learning environments. Together with carefully selected European universities the European School of Governance offers three executive master degrees.


The Master of Public Entrepreneur

addresses best practices and change in the public sphere, administration and civil society.

The Master of Business Excellence

looks at meaningful innovation, change and improvement not only in the business world.

The Master of Systems Research

combines systems thinking with real life action research for any kind of social systems research, from trend scouting to social design impact evaluation.

Common Base

These experience-based courses are based on a set of five leading features in a unique innovative combination.
Triple blended learning
Learning journey
Project-based learning
Peer learning
Flying classroom
The EUSG masterclasses are offered in cooperation with various European universities which allows for realising the vision of the flying classroom passing through various European regions tapping into the cultural depth and diversity of Europe.
Graduate school in 2017

The two most powerful tools in the West.


Better together?

Aliquam ac dui vel dui vulputate consectetur.


The Flying Classroom together with Living Cheese

Nulla mauris dolor, gravida a varius.


Heading for new shores

Mauris rhoncus orci in imperdiet placerat. Vestibulum euismod nisl suscipit ligula volutpat, a feugiat urna maximus. Cras massa nibh, tincidunt ut eros a, vulputate consequat odio. Vestibulum.


Whatever it takes to be a subline - here you go

Inclusiveness and participation are fundamental principles of good governance as they enable the fair representation of societal stakeholders’ interest as well as the use of their knowledge and creative potential for better policy. We provide communication formats that address a variety of participatory requirements.

Curabitur sed iaculis dolor, non congue ligula. Maecenas imperdiet ante eget hendrerit posuere. Nunc urna libero, congue porta nibh a, semper feugiat sem. Sed auctor dui eleifend, scelerisque eros ut, pellentesque nibh. Nam lacinia suscipit accumsan.