Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)
Background: The Chinese agenda, which aims to transform global economic governance, is a reality that other states must consider when executing their national (e.g. German) and regional (EU) policies. China’s new emphasis on a development strategy also has implications for GIZ’s development partnerships around the world. A German [and optimally EU] response to changing realities must therefore be adapted. To enable this, it is necessary to consider and integrate several regional dimensions of Beijing’s policy focus.
Objectives and Results: The project enabled an analysis of the implications of China’s development policy, in the context of the present U.S. administration’s retrenchment; and developed the framework of a coherent German development policy response. Through the workshops, a coherent understanding of China’s global and regional policies was developed, and the implications of this for the GIZ were analyzed. This way, a strategic approach was provided to the GIZ which allows the identification and prioritization of programs and projects that either should be coordinated with, and/or distinguished from the PRC’s developmental activities.